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    Autism care

    Austim Care

    Autism When your child requires care and understanding, you deserve a trusted compassionate carer your family can rely on.

    At Home Care Dubai, our dedicated Staff is not only fully trained but also deeply committed to providing heartfelt care and support in the comfort of your own home and in the community.

    Our care team brings practical expertise in handling various challenges, including challenging behaviour, complex health needs, physical disabilities and sensory impairments.

    Whether you need temporary assistance while a parent or guardian is unavailable or you seek long-term support for a child who is a person of determination physically or mentally, we are here to be your unwavering support.

    Home Care Dubai’s care packages are thoughtfully tailored to address your specific requests, ensuring that your child receives the compassionate care they deserve.

    Our care plans are bespoke and tailored to your needs.

    We passionately support Autistic adults and children and believe you must ‘Meet the child where they are at, Not where the world wants them to be’.

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    24 hour home care